طلب الحصول على موافقة تصميم الإصلاح (RDA)

تتيح هذه الخدمة للمستفيدين التقدم بطلب الحصول على موافقة تصميم الإصلاح (RDA) من هيئة الطيران المدني السعودي ليتم تركيبها على الطائرات المسجلة في المملكة العربية السعودية بموجب أحكام الجزء 21 من القسم الفرعي E من هيئة الطيران المدني السعودي "موافقات تصميم الإصلاح"، بخلاف تصميم الإصلاح الصادر بموجب الجزء الفرعي C.


  1. GACA acceptance to support the project via response to the letter of intent.
  2. Familiarity with the RDA Certification process.

Required Documents

  • Approval privileges document (FAA ACO Agreement, FAA ODA, EASA Design Organization Approval, or equivalent) (if applicable).
  • Company Manual (Handbook, Procedures, Work Instructions) related to the intended certification activities.
  • GACA response to the Letter of Intent.
  • Letter of application addressed to General Manager of Airworthiness (see additional help).
  • Master Data List - Draft.
  • Owner/Operator acknowledgment for the proposed repair design.
  • Preliminary Certification Data (as applicable) includes, but is not limited to:
    • Ground/Flight Test plans and reports
    • Analyses (e.g., Electrical Load Analysis (ELA), Structural Analysis, System Safety)
  • Preliminary Certification Plan including basis of certification.
  • Preliminary Compliance Checklist.
  • Preliminary Continued Airworthiness Data:
    • Airworthiness Limitations
    • Certification Maintenance Requirements
    • Electrical Wiring Interconnection System (EWIS) Instructions
    • Illustrated Parts Catalog Supplements
    • Instructions for Continued Airworthiness
    • Maintenance Manual Supplements
    • Wiring Diagrams
  • Preliminary Required Operating Data such as Aircraft Flight Manual Supplement (AFMS).
  • Proof of Fee Payment.


GACA AC 021-07 Alterations and Repairs.

Terms and Conditions

  1. The application for RDA may be subject to a sequencing process due to workload, which may impact the initiation of the project.
  2. A GACA RDA project coordination meeting should take place as early as possible in the project.

Additional Help

The letter of application should include sufficient detail to allow GACA to decide on project support. The content must include:

  1. Repair Design Approval holder/applicant name and normal place of business
  2. Description of the repair design, including:
    • Purpose of the repair
    • Pre-modification and post-modification configurations
    • Schematics/pictures and any detailed features and boundaries of the physical repair
    • Drawings or outlines of the design
    • Identification of functionally affected areas and changes to maintenance/operational manuals
  3. Aircraft type, serial number, and KSA registration marks
  4. Organization responsible for performing the design change on the aircraft
  5. Location of the aircraft during the repair design project
  6. Starting date and duration of the repair design project
  7. Information on whether flight testing will be conducted
  8. Concurrent activities on the aircraft
  9. Invitation for GACA participation
  10. Identification of the Certification Project Manager(s), including their contact details


The GACA RDA process is similar to the GACA STC process. Accordingly, FAA AC 21-40( ) should be read in conjunction with the procedures provided in GACA AC 021-07. In case of conflict between the two, the procedures in GACA AC 021-07 are to prevail.

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