طلب الحصول على شهادة النوع التكميلي (STC) - خطاب نوايا

تتيح هذه الخدمة للمستفيدين التقدم بطلب الحصول على دعم الهيئة العامة للطيران المدني للحصول على شهادة التغيير الرئيسي في تصميم الطراز المراد إجراؤه على الطائرات المسجلة في المملكة العربية السعودية، ويعتبر قرار الهيئة العامة للطيران المدني بدعم مقدم الطلب شرطًا أساسيًا لبدء مشروع شهادة الطراز التكميلية.


  1. GACA Type Certificate Acceptance (TCA)
  2. Classification Assessment
  3. Familiarity with the STC Certification Process

Required Documents

  • Approval privileges document (FAA ACO Agreement, FAA ODA, EASA Design Organization Approval, or equivalent) (if applicable)
  • Company Manual (Handbook, Procedures, Work Instructions) related to the intended certification activities
  • Design change classification document issued in accordance with GACAR §21.66 (equivalent to FAR §21.93 (a)&(b) or EASA 21A.91)
  • Letter of application addressed to the General Manager of Airworthiness (see additional help)
  • Owner/Operator acknowledgment for the proposed design change

GACA AC 021-07 Alterations and Repairs

Terms and Conditions

  1. Refer to GACA AC 021-07 Alterations and Repairs.
  2. Confirmed payment of all applicable fees is a requirement for an application to be accepted for processing by the GACA.

Additional Help

The letter of intent should be sufficiently detailed to enable GACA to decide on project support. The content must include:

  1. The nominated persons (e.g., GACA-DERs, GACA-DARs, FAA DERs, or other foreign delegated individuals/organizations) with sufficient scope of delegation to address the required compliance aspects of the project.
  2. An explanation of the purpose of the design change, identifying the locations of removed and installed equipment and components.
  3. Determination of any novel and unusual design features introduced by the proposed design change.
  4. Use of existing approvals as a basis for the GACA STC (e.g., FAA STC), if applicable.
  5. Details of concurrent modifications, if any.
  6. Location of certification activities.
  7. Names of the Owner, Operator, Installer, and GACA AMO.
  8. Eligible Serial Number and Registration Mark(s).
  9. Estimated project schedule, including major milestones.

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