إذن بإنشاء مهبط طائرات هليكوبتر

تتيح هذه الخدمة للمستفيدين إمكانية التقدم بطلب الحصول على تصريح لإنشاء مهبط طائرات هليكوبتر جديد وتحديد الموقع والمعايير الفنية المرتبطة بالمهبط.

Required Documents:

  1. HELI- Approvals for establishment of heliport from Principality.
  2. HELI- Heliport Feasibility Study Report
  3. HELI- PWA4-Environment Impact Assessment Report and Letter of No Objection from NCEC.
  4. HELI- Proof of Ownership or Lease Rights of the land.
  5. HELI-Aeronautical Study Report, if applicable.
  6. HELI-Details of Consultant Entity, if appointed. (b) Any other relevant document(s) required by the President.
  7. HELI-No objection certificate for establishment of heliport from Saudi Air Navigation Services.

Refer To:

  • E-Book Volume-7
  • GACAR Part 138

For Automated System Link for the GACAR and E-book, Go to Download Forms

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