تغيير الامتيازات

هذه الخدمة لتقديم طلب تغيير الامتيازات


Ground service provider must hold a valid and current economic license issued by the economic department of the General Authority of Civil Aviation.

Required Documents:

  1. GRDSPR01- GACAR Part 151 application form together with letter of intent.
  2. GRDSPR02- GACA economic license and economic Annex No1.
  3. GRDSPR03- Ground Operations Manual. (if updated)
  4. GRDSPR04- Training Manual. (if updated)
  5. GRDSPR05- Quality Assurance/Compliance Manual. (if updated)
  6. GRDSPR06- Safety Management System (SMS) Manual. (if updated)
  7. GRDSPR07- Emergency Response Plan/Manual (ERP). (if updated)
  8. GRDSPR08- Security Manual. (if updated)
  9. GRDSPR09- Local Ground Operations Supplement Manual, where applicable. (if updated)
  10. GRDSPR10- Local Quality Assurance Supplement Manual, where applicable. (if updated)

Refer To:

  • GACAR PART-151
  • E-Book Volume-16.2.13

For Automated System Link for the GACAR and E-book, Go to Download Forms

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